Selamat guys! Alhamdulillah....dah masuk hari ke 4 puasa. So far ok . Kerja pon balik awal..huhuhu...Ramadhan kali ni berbeza sbb aku dan famili sambut Ramadhan di tempat baru. Syukur pada mu ya Allah...akhirnya Kau telah memakbulkan doa dan usaha kami semua.Semoga Kau perluaskan rezeki kami sekeluarga. Satu permulaan yang terbaik untuk aku dan famili memulakan lembaran baru di tempat baru. We moving out on first day of puasa. Penat? totally penat..berkemas angkut barang2 di hari puasa..haha..tapi puasa semua tetap full. Seronok+letih+excited+tenang..itu yang dpt aku gambarkan. We are all happy termasuk Boy. Boy dapat rumah 'banglo' 3 tingkat lagi tuh. He create his new territory at new place. 2 trip angkut barang2 from Cheras to Damansara Perdana. Everything's good and well planned.Got lots of facilities. So dah ade full aktiviti di masa lapang. I do love this's calm..warm..privacy and really motivate me to be better and achieve better than what is today. This is not the end...this is the beginning!..Soon Tok Non akan stay with us..hope Tok Non like it...(leh mintak Tok Non wat bngkang roti..hehehe). Most important is to self improvement during this Ramadhan. Ramadhan is the best and easy month for me to better..and to start new life. Muhasabah diri sendiri..teruskan hidup bring along the goods and left the bad. Semoga Ramadhan kali in memberi seribu kebaikan, kebahagiaan dan kejayaan. So check the pics below...
the new place looks great! tak sabar nk gi.. terjun pool skali leh?? wink wink
alia: boleh je..terjun pool sampai lebam..hahaha
musee.. apehal ngan boy tuh... bukannya nak tolong kemas umah baru tuh...
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